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A Non-Survivalist Survivalist, by L.F.

Label and date everything in your pantry and adhere to the FIFO (first-in, first-out) rule. The last thing you want to discover during an emergency is that your rice has bugs in it and all the tomato soup expired two years ago. If you are not going to rotate foods in and out regularly (isn’t […]

The solid scoop about Primitive weapons and Self Defense. Apocalyptic Essentials.

Self-defense weapons are your first line of defense against an attack. They’re a crucial component of any personal security plan and the good news is, there are plenty of very practical non lethal weapons available for a price you can afford. From pepper spray to taser guns, The Home Security Superstore has everything you need […]

A List Of Electronic Devices For Your Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies—like the dramatic storms that raged across the U.S. yesterday—frequently happen when you don’t expect them. Instead of scrambling to figure out what to do, why not be ready for whatever might come? And of course, your electronics devices can help. After a disaster, cell-phone networks may be congested, so teach your family how to […]

What Do Personal Alarms Do?

A personal alarm is a small hand-held electronic device with the functionality to emit a loud siren-like alarming sound. It is activated either by a button, or a tag that, when pulled, sets the siren off. It is used to attract attention in order to scare off an assailant. It is used to attract attention […]

Why Every Woman Should Have Non-Lethal Self-defense Products

There are a variety of non-lethal self-defense products for women available. Some include Stun Guns, Mace, keychain weapons, and small concealed knives. Stun guns provide the security of high voltage that hinders an attacker. They sometimes have alarms and lights to provide attention. Mace is a tool with great range and is easy to carry. […]

Protect Your Family While On Vacation With Self Defense Products

Being on vacation can be an amazing time, but it can also prove to be dangerous for some families. Being in a new location can provide unknown dangers for families in new places. It is important to take steps to protect your family when in a new area on vacation, you owe it to them […]

Dummy Camera Self Defense Products

Self-defense and home security products are often beyond the budget of many businesses and families. However, there are some great inexpensive items such as pepper spray and some Tasers that are a good value and can give you peace of mind. Another very effective product that has recently emerged on the market is a dummy […]

With Jogger Pepper Spray, Be Protected While Running Or Walking

For those of us who love to go for a jog or a walk, we have to fit it in our daily routine. Most of work so between the hours of eight and five is not an option. We either have to wake up early or go after dinner. In general either of the options […]

Driveway Patrol A Great Family Self Defense Product

Driveway Patrol is a great at-home self-defense product that is low-cost and simple to install. Place the transmitter near an entrance or driveway. When a person passes by the wireless motion detector, an appealing chime sounds from the receiver, which alerts the home’s residents to a visitor in the vicinity. This heads-up allows for time […]

The Best Self Defense Products and Home Invasion Protection Devices

Home invasion is a serious issue that both you and your family should prepare for. It is not joke, and the ability to protect yourself and your belongings could be the difference between life and death. There are essential products anyone who is serious about protection should own, it is simple but could make all […]