Good home safety is made up of layers of security. Layer one is the outside of your home. That includes landscaping, gates, and lighting. Make it difficult for a criminal to operate outside your home by denying him both the cover of darkness and tools to gain access. Layer two is inside your home. Take small measures to close the gap in security. Examples of this include installing an alarm system, webcams, and checking to see if exterior doors are steel or solid core. The third layer is personal safety, which will be covered next week.
Key Takeaways:
- This week’s personal preparedness challenge, therefore, is about basic home security and how to take steps to make your home safe for everyone in it.
- Security layers are relatively simple preventive measures to protect your home, family, and belongings that communicate to potential intruders that your home should probably be avoided.
- Install motion sensor lighting around entry ways and areas that are generally out of view.
“Security layers are relatively simple preventive measures to protect your home, family, and belongings that communicate to potential intruders that your home should probably be avoided.”