Staying fit for some of us is just not enough motivation to exercise. Some of us need a little push or extra information. Well being fit can be an added benefit for self defense. Yes, there are numerous products that you can purchase for self defense, but your not always going to be aware when danger approaches. If you need extra motivation to stay in shape, learn how self defense can be your new reason to get fit.
Key Takeaways:
- Whether you buy pepper spray or just rely on your own body to survive a dangerous situation, a healthy, fit physique will help you survive and escape.
- It’s easy to get discouraged by the challenges of a fitness program, but you can prevail with self-discipline and a realistic look at your personality, lifestyle and goals.
- The situation may call for direct body to body contact before you can apply something like a C2 Taser effectively.
“Whether you buy pepper spray or just rely on your own body to survive a dangerous situation, a healthy, fit physique will help you survive and escape.”