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UCD Sends All Students Safety Email After Reported Rape – 98FM

After a student reported a rape on campus, UCD has sent everyone an email reminding them of on-campus offerings to help ensure their security. One of these programs is the UCD Walk Safe Service, which allows students to walk in groups to help improve their confidence and security when crossing the campus, especially at night. […]

New Stun Gun Law in Georgia Electrifies Concealed Carry Debate

Governor Nathan Deal signed a bill that allows anyone over 18 to carry stunguns on campus for self defense. It has acted supposedly as a compromise between Second Amendment advocates and those opposed. Most Georgia public colleges and universities now allow the students to carry this weapon. The weapons have increased in sales and many […]

How Second Amendment Group will Fight N.J. Stun Gun Ban

The fight for stun guns is not over, it is just beginning. Most people do not think about stun guns and the 2nd amendment, but the fight is just as combative. Pro 2nd amendment groups are leading the charge to make sure new Jersey Ban on stun guns is overturned by the supreme court. How […]

Serial Killer Suspect Linked To Eerie Amazon Reviews

In a 2014 review for a lock, the account linked to Kohlhepp claimed to have five of them in a shipping container. Police have not confirmed if the Amazon reviews are the work of Kohlhepp. However, they belong to an account with a wish list in Kohlhepp’s name, and The Daily Beast reports that the […]

Personal Safety Plan Developed By Westport Woman Focuses On … – Norwalk Daily Voice

Through workshops and integrated personal safety training, Cadoux provides valuable education specifically for women of all ages. Women, today, should be skilled in prevention based training to reduce these threats, and that is why I began to develop a prevention-based program. While she offers training on physical techniques, her focus is to empower women with […]