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When the holidays roll around you may not be concerned with security of your home. This lack of awareness can cause some problems, so make sure you are taking your security serious. Adding a camera and making sure your doors are locked can make a huge difference in the security of your home.

Key Takeaways:

  • You may be so busy during this particular time of the year that you just neglect to keep your eye on the mail. However, this can land you in huge problems when packages are left on your porch all night.
  • It’s important to bring in all the boxes or mail you receive daily, but more so during the holiday season. It’s a fact that individuals looking to steal from you are more likely to be on the prowl when gifts are arriving at your home daily.
  • Studies show that 42% of eCommerce purchases are made at Amazon for Christmas gifts and this mean packages arriving daily for some homeowners.

“The holidays are a good time to get to know your neighbors a little bit better.”

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